Out of the Blue attendance enquiry

Sign up - Out of the Blue

Use this form to sign up for sessions for adults aged 18 or over who want to look after their mental health and wellbeing.

Please select your role
Attendee details
OOB Current Status
Do you/they have a Keyworker, CPN or Social Worker?
Keyworker/CPN Details
Emergency Contact Details
Emergency Contact Details
hoot may contact an emergency contact if we have concerns regarding your helath whilst attending the service. Please inform the emergency contact listed here that their details have been given to hoot for this purpose.
Which activities are they interested in?
Part 2: Which of the following applies to the applicant?
Have you accessed any other services in Kirklees?
Referrer Details
Referrer Organisation Details
Risk Factors
Has the client undergone a Risk Assessment from your service?
Does this person have on-going support from your services?

Dignity & Respect
hoot believes everyone participating in our activities should be treated with dignity and respect. Verbal abuse, bullying and aggression towards staff, volunteers or other participants is unacceptable, and constitutes grounds for exclusion from all activities.

The data submitted on this form will be stored securely in hoot creative arts' database in order to process your referral and contact you with regards to attending sessions. You can read our Privacy Policy here.

How did you hear about us details
By telling us how you heard about hoot and our sessions you will be helping us to evaluate our publicity and marketing and make changes to improve visibility and accessibility.