About us

mini drum kit with a sticker that says being creative makes you feel good

Who we are 

hoot creative arts is an arts and mental health charity based in the town centre of Huddersfield, England. We offer a diverse range of creative activities that support mental health and emotional wellbeing. We have been running for 20 years.

hoot is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation. We are jointly commissioned by Kirklees Council, Kirklees and NHS Integrated Care Board to provide the adult mental health and creativity programme across Kirklees. We also work with other local charities as part of the Working Together Better partnership. We were the Health and Wellbeing lead for Kirklees Year of Music 2023.

Our delivery is for a range of groups and settings and includes :

  • Adult Mental Health services
  • People living with a diagnosis of dementia and their carer
  • End of life health services
  • Criminal Justice System
  • Wellbeing at Work
  • Children & Young People’s projects
  • Supported Residential settings
  • Safe and Secure digital platforms

Quality for Health and Wellbeing Level Two LogoAge Friendly Standards LogoWell Good Charter Logo



History and ethos

Creative Expression, making a mark and being seen and heard is fundamental to being human. We believe that we all have a creative and imaginative capacity that is of central importance to our mental and physical health, wellbeing and happiness.

Our aim at hoot is to nurture and support your recognition and use of this creative capacity. We recognise that care and maintenance of our mental health is a normal and vital part of our lives and working creatively with the experienced, skilled and compassionate team at hoot help people to establish creative self care techniques.

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in the Arts

Prompted by the resurgence of Black Lives Matter in 2020 we challenged our individual behaviour, practices and unconscious biases and this continues professionally in our recruitment (of staff and participants), programming and marketing. We encourage everyone associated with hoot to raise questions and challenge as this is the only way we will make real progress as an organisation, as individuals and as a community.

About Arts and Health

Recognition of the links between Arts & Health or between Culture, Health and Wellbeing have existed since modern humans emerged between 200,000 to 100,000 years ago. Telling a story, singing it in a song, painting an image of it or writing it down - the aim is the same - to come together, be heard and/or seen and enjoy the connection and community bond that creates. That fundamental need for human connection that the arts, culture and in particular participatory arts with its shared creative engagement provides is vital and partcularly evident during the height of the pandemic in 2020-21.

Over the last 20 years the evidence base has grown and Arts & Health has become more accepted by the infrastructure around arts funding and of the health service. If in doubt just remember our phrase and you won’t go far wrong….Being Creative Makes You Feel Good.

Graphic with words saying Being Creative Makes You Feel Good
Graphic with words saying Being Creative Makes You Feel Good

Our team

Here are the lovely folk who work here at hoot

Picture of Holly, white woman wearing glasses, with dark brown hair past the shoulders, black t-shirt

Holly Petrie

Communications & Public Relations Officer / Participation & Progression Co-ordinator

Picture of Gavin, white man, short white hair, slight beard, glasses,  grey shirt

Gavin Clayton


Yellow square with picture of Qudsia, South Asian female, long brown hair, brown coat

Qudsia Hussain

Communication & Design Officer

Picture of Tor, white woman with long blonde hair, black jumper

Tor Mckenzie

Project Manager (Out of the Blue)

Picture of Faye, white woman, shoulder length brown curly hair, black top

Faye Mannion

Administration Officer

Blue square with the name Kathy in the middle

Kathy Griffin

Creative Support Worker (Out of the Blue)

Picture of Sally, white woman, with short golden white hair above the shoulders, light blue open shirt with pink top underneath

Sally Barker

Internal Artist - Visual Arts (Out of the Blue)

Picture of Chris, white man, short hair, black jacket

Chris Ruffoni

Creative Support Worker (Creative Pathways)

Picture of Jonathan, white man, short dark brown hair, moustache,  black top

Jonathan Milsom

Creative Support Worker (Out of the Blue)

Picture of Kelly, white woman, shoulder length black hair, stripy top

Kelly Munro-Fawcett

Project Manager (Creative Pathways & OPDP)

Picture of Rob, white man, no hair, brown beard,  black star wars hoodie

Rob Crisp

Internal Artist - Music (Out of the Blue)

Dark blue square with the name Carmel in the middle

Carmel Thomason

Creative Support Worker / Risk & Referral Manager (Out of the Blue)

Red square with the name Lailla in the middle

Lailla Tanveer

Operations (Finance & Admin) Manager

Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees

Picture of Peter, white man, grey hair, glasses, jacket on top of checked shirt

Peter Lyster

Chair of the Board, hoot

Picture of Jackie, white woman, short brown hair, white blazer, black top

Jackie Astbury

Director, hoot

Picture of Charlotte, white woman, dark brown hair, checked clothing

Charlotte Goulding

Director, hoot

Picture of Claire, white woman, light brown hair, glasses, floral clothing

Claire Richardson

Director, hoot